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David Albeck's Home Page

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I started this website back in the early 2000s as a way to teach myself HTML and related technologies like CGI. I started out writing the whole thing by hand, then added some Perl scripts, some simple templates, and so on.

By the mid-2010s it was growing increasingly obsolete, and I didn't have time to fix it. I needed something easier to update for my travel blog, for which I decided to use WordPress. But I didn't love Wordpress either. Nowadays I put my photos on Smugmug, but the photos here are already uploaded and well-indexed, so this site lives on in zombie mode.

Below is a little time capsule: this is what my home page looked like circa 2014.

Hello and welcome to my website. Here's what everybody should know about me:

Archived Pages

Text descriptions of hikes I made in summer 2000. These pages were salvaged from the now-defunct Weekend Warriors Website.

External Archives containing my Work

Places Where my Photos have been Exhibited (for a limited time)

Permanent Ephemera

Friends & Cronies

Lei Wang: 7 summits + 2 poles     Jose's Mexican Restaurant     Michal's Homepage
No, these aren't paying sponsors. Money is always accepted, but it won't get your website listed here.