Michael Bautista swinging onto the Dark Crystal.
Michael Bautista concentrating on a handhold.
Rob D'Anatasio resting for a moment.
Rob D'Anatasio making a move.
Rob D'Anatasio bringing his right foot up.
Michael Bautista making a big reach.
Vasya Volotinikov demonstrating that you don't always need to reach the top of a hold.
Rob D'Anatasio trying to work out the right footwork here.
Rob D'Anatasio with both hands up.
Rob D'Anatasio shifting his balance in preparation for the next move.
This next handhold is small and slippery.
Michael Bautista fighting to get a leg up.
Vasya Volotnikov showing the way.
Rob D'Anatasio making the same move.
Rob D'Anatasio contemplating the end of the route.
Michael Bautista working the final sequence.
Michael Bautista in position for the last big reach.
Vasya Volotnikov claiming his prize money.