Psittaciformes: Parrots and relatives: parrots, macaws, parakeets, lorikeets, cockatoos, budgerigars, conures, and so on. Birds with strong, hooked beaks. Mostly large, colorful, noisy, and gregarious. They are zygodactilic (two toes point backwards), and often maintain a nearly vertical posture when perched. Some eat mostly seeds and fruit (as you'd guess from the bill) but lories and lorikeets eat a lot of nectar, Generally regarded as among the most intelligent birds (c.f. corvids), many parrots are able to both understand and mimic human speech.
Parrots native to the Americas or to sub-Saharan Africa.
Parrots from North Africa, Asia, and the Pacific. Includes budgerigars, lories, and lorikeets. The latter two feed primarily on nectar, using brush-tipped tongues.