Francesca Metcalf starting the route.
Sasha DiGuilian (fresh from a win at the Nationals) approaching the Big Bulge.
If you get this far, this is a good spot to rest and shake out your hands.
Francesca Metcalf taking a rest at this spot.
Sidney McNair with both hands back on after resting.
Sasha DiGiulian goes for the next move.
Francesca Metcalf has a handhold.
At this point there's a detour up and left for a bonus prize. Sasha Digiulian heads that way.
Francesca Metcalf looking for a way back down to the Big Bulge.
Sasha DiGiulian tackling the big move around the Bulge.
Sidney McNair makes the grab (notice, no footholds!)
Sasha DiGiulian regains balance and gets her left hand up.
Sidney McNair gets the higher hold on the left.
Sasha DiGiulian takes a break first, while hanging on with a heel hook.
Francesca Metcalf has both hands high, plus a heel hook.
Sasha DiGiulian in the same position.
Sidney McNair looking to exit the Big Bulge.
Sasha DiGiuilan stepping off the Big Bulge.
Sasha DiGiulian is almost done with the route.
Sasha DiGiulian grabbing the final $100 in prize money off the wall, using her feet.